You can register online via this online form, or in written form (print the blank and send it by post to Japan4Youth, Ulurus GmbH, Bonner Straße 37, 53721 Siegburg, Germany or per fax: +49 02241 9424299). Alternativly you can call us per phone (+49 02241 9424211). A non binding reservation lasts only three days.
By making a booking, you comfirm that you have read, understood and agreed to our terms and conditioins of Ulurus GmbH.
Binding registration Not binding reservation
*as far as available
For our journeys, the the travel conditions of Ulurus GmbH apply. Travel and participation conditions to be read, printed or saved in PDF format.
If you have any problem to book online, you can call us by phone at this number: +49 2241 942 42 11 or per fax at +49 2241 942 42 99. We can also take your a registration via phone.