About us
Travel4Youth & company history
The Bexte Touristik, which includes the BCT-Touristik, Ulurus and Travel4Youth, is a family enterprise which was created in 1992. Since 2006 it has had its seat in Siegburg in North Rhine-Westphalia, between Cologne and Bonn. It is composed of a young and dynamic team, which has made it its mission to organize study and adventure trips, as well as long-distance travel. Beside a rich cultural program and the discovery of the fauna and the flora, some events which you won't forget that fast, are also included. Depending on the destination, you will be able to enjoy adventures with trekking, diving or river rafting i.e. Follow us to unique experiences and discover a world you don't know yet. Years later, you will still have strong memories of this journey.
Our logo
Two symbols compose our logo: the first one is a sun, which can be understood as a representation of God and which stays in the distance. This distance is what we all want to reach. The second symbol is Horus's eye from the Egyptian mythology, which represents the look to the unknown. It invites us to open and discover what we don't know.
Our groups
Travel4Youth offers group trips in which everybody can take part. Amongst these travels, some are address to special groups: judo associations for example, horticultural schools, koi-carps culturing association etc. A group is formed with 18 to 25 people. Furthermore as several groups travel to the same destination at the same time, you have the possibility to choose between several programs. To make it possible, we conceive a general program according to your wishes and we adapt it to the different groups.