Let us take you to the land of the rising sun, of Geishas and Samurais. Come and discover with us the Japanese culture, rich in traditions, where past and future are mixed together. Just to point out the major highlights of our trips, we will let you taste typical dishes and spend a night in unusual accommodation facilities like the traditional Ryokan hotel or the innovative Capsule hotel! We can take you to a thrilling sightseeing in Tokyo, a metropolis of 12 million inhabitants famous worldwide for its modernity and its young style. Japan, an archipelago that hosts more than 127 million people, has really a lot to offer. It's a country that welcomes a large variety of visitors from abroad in a cheerful, global and absolutely unique mix of people. Let yourself be amazed by the breathtaking landscapes and the ancient building, like temples and palaces, which still reveal with powerful evidence the beauty of the Japan's 18th century. The other side of the world, the mystic and surprising Asiatic country is eager to make your dreams come true. What are you waiting for?